Friday, May 25, 2012


As you begin wrapping things up for the year . . . Here's something you may like to wrap up next year!  Parachutes!  The Voice of the Martyrs has a wonderful parachute ministry.  This ministry assists and encourages Colombian Christians as well as trying to reach FARC guerrillas for Christ. Our school's Chapel offering has been used to donate to this ministry.

Our pack came with a pattern, ribbon and directions for making
the parachutes.  We will attach bags that a Bible, book and radio will
be placed into.

Students worked in groups of two on this project.  They were all
very interested and invested in this!

An eighth grader assists a kindergartner writing the words
God is love in Spanish.

We are waiting for the glue to dry!

That sums it up doesn't it?  God IS love!  This was a great service project for our school and would be a wonderful project for a VBS or Sunday School to undertake. If you would like to look into this for your school or church go to Parachute Project!

What was your most meaningful Chapel offering project this year?

Blessings....Hoping to hear from more parochial teachers out there!!


Thank you for taking time to leave a thought!